Friday 31 May 2013

Brinchang's art

Now we continue with this exotic loo in a restaurant in Brinchang. It's incredible the art exposed in the tiles. What's that? Lavander flowers?

Really nice.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Hill's odor

Let's start to get serious. You can reach this majestic restroom in Penang Hill, close to the Mosque. The pic is nothing compared to the odor. At least, the water in the bucket seems to be clean.

Enjoy it!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Abu Dhabi - at last

10 flying hours from Spain, and finally you can relax and almost have a picnic in this wonderful bathroom in Abu Dhabi airport. BTW it's not the worst first non-toilet-paper loo.

Friday 17 May 2013

First post, but no real loo

This is a crazy idea borned from a crazy conversation with one of my friends. We are traveling all around the world, in a serious trip, but this is an escatologic version of that trip.

Coming next pics and comments.

see you,

I'm sorry, this is the utopic loo